Foster Parents transfer to True Fostering to be part of an authentic Therapeutic Fostering Agency. If you would like to know more about the agency and our model, please get in touch.
We appreciate that transferring agencies can be a big decision, we’re happy to discuss this with you in confidence. All Foster Parents have the right to transfer agencies and there should be no uncertainty about continuing to care for any child living with you.
True Fostering uses the Fostering Network’s transfer protocol where there are foster children living with a foster family.
Whether you have a child living with you or not, we are happy to speak to you about transferring to True Fostering.
Debbie’s Story
We have been fostering since 2013 and have gradually built up knowledge of Therapeutic Parenting along the way, and so can confirm the positive outcome with TP, both for our own young people, and those of friends.
We wanted to transfer to an agency that really understood TP, not only because the support staff had ‘done the course’, but also had lived experience of using this effective parenting method (or having experienced its benefits personally).
Our first agency had become too large and impersonal, and others talked the talk, but when pressed, struggled to empathise, and grasp what it all meant for those living with a traumatised child 24/7……..So I would say, if you want to make a real difference to the future outcomes of those in the care system who need our care the most, and are willing to challenge yourself and potentially take on new perspectives, TRUE is the agency for you.
Please call us or fill in this short online form.