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About us

True Fostering was established in January 2019 and in 2023 was rated an ‘Outstanding’ agency by OSFTED (July 2023).  We are a highly specialist therapeutic agency set up by a passionate team of experts in fostering, social work and adoption.  OFTSED reported, ”The agency has developed a comprehensive therapeutic approach to the care and support that they offer children. Foster parents are skilled and knowledgeable in therapeutic parenting. They understand that children’s behaviours are linked to the trauma they have experienced, and they respond to them with understanding, love and patience. This leads to exceptional outcomes for children.”


Our offices are based in Cheltenham (Registered) and Cardiff (Administrative), although we work across the Midlands and East Anglia.  We have 4 fostering pods offering local support and training to foster families within these localities.  We provide specialist services to many local authorities across England, working in close partnership to identify and meet the needs of their children, and provide therapeutic and secure families.  Offering long term, short term and short breaks.

We are a small, close-knit agency with our children and young people at the heart of what we do.

Our OFSTED report noted ‘’The well-being of foster carers is highly protected by the agency. The support offered to foster parents is outstanding. The agency employs empathic listeners, counsellors and psychologists to provide a range of high-quality support. There is a
strong focus on recognising when foster parents may be at risk of emotional exhaustion that limits their capacity to be as attuned to children’s feelings and emotional wellbeing so that support can be provided at an early stage”.

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